Source code for slugpy.slug_open

Helper function to open slug output files.

import os
import os.path as osp
import errno
    import as fits
except ImportError:
    fits = None
    import warnings
    warnings.warn("Unable to import astropy. FITS funtionality" +
                  " will not be available.")

[docs]def slug_open(filename, output_dir=None, fmt=None): """ Function to open a SLUG2 output file. Parameters filename : string Name of the file to open, without any extension. The following extensions are tried, in order: .txt, .bin, .fits output_dir : string The directory where the SLUG2 output is located; if set to None, the current directory is searched, followed by the SLUG_DIR/output directory if the SLUG_DIR environment variable is set fmt : 'txt' | 'ascii' | 'bin' | 'binary' | 'fits' | 'fits2' Format for the file to be read. If one of these is set, the function will only attempt to open ASCII-('txt' or 'ascii'), binary ('bin' or 'binary'), or FITS ('fits' or 'fits2') formatted output, ending in .txt., .bin, or .fits, respectively. If set to None, the code will try to open ASCII files first, then if it fails try binary files, and if it fails again try FITS files. Returns fp : file or A file object pointing the file that has been opened fname : string Name of the file that was opened Raises IOError, if a file of the specified name cannot be found """ # Did we get a specific directory in which to look? If not, try # current directory if output_dir is None: outdir = "." else: outdir = output_dir # Make sure fmt is valid if fmt != 'ascii' and fmt != 'txt' and fmt != 'bin' and \ fmt != 'binary' and fmt != 'fits' and fmt != 'fits2' and \ fmt is not None: raise ValueError("unknown format {}".fmt) # Make sure we're not trying to do fits if we don't have astropy if (fmt == 'fits' or fmt == 'fits2') and fits is None: raise ValueError("Couldn't import astropy, so fits format "+ "is unavailable.") # See if we have a text file if fmt is None or fmt=='ascii' or fmt=='txt': fname = osp.join(outdir, filename+'.txt') try: fp = open(fname, 'r') fmt = 'ascii' except IOError: fp = None else: fp = None # If that failed, look for a binary file if fp is None: if fmt is None or fmt=='bin' or fmt=='binary': fname = osp.join(outdir, filename+'.bin') try: fp = open(fname, 'rb') fmt = 'bin' except IOError: pass # If that failed, look for a fits file if fp is None: if fmt is None or fmt=='fits' or fmt=='fits2': fname = osp.join(outdir, filename+'.fits') try: fp = fmt = 'fits' except IOError: pass # If that failed, and we didn't get an explicit directory # specification, try looking in SLUG_DIR/output if (fp is None) and (output_dir is None) and \ ('SLUG_DIR' in os.environ): outdir = osp.join(os.environ['SLUG_DIR'], 'output') if fmt is None or fmt == 'ascii' or fmt == 'txt': fname = osp.join(outdir, filename+'.txt') try: fp = open(fname, 'r') fmt = 'ascii' except IOError: pass if (fmt is None or fmt == 'bin' or fmt == 'binary') \ and fp is None: fname = osp.join(outdir, filename+'.bin') try: fp = open(fname, 'rb') fmt = 'bin' except IOError: pass if (fmt is None or fmt == 'fits' or fmt == 'fits2') \ and fp is None and fits is not None: fname = osp.join(outdir, filename+'.fits') try: fp = fmt = 'fits' except IOError: pass # If we're here and fp is None, all attempt to open the file have # failed, so throw an IOError if fp is None: raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, "unable to open file with base name "+fname) # Return the handle to the new file return fp, fname