Source code for slugpy.sfr_slug.sfr_slug

This defines a class that can be used to estimate the PDF of true star
formation rate from a set of input point mass estimates of the star
formation rate.

import numpy as np
import copy
import os
import os.path as osp
import warnings
import errno
    # Python 3
    from urllib.request import urlopen
except ImportError:
    # Python 2
    from urllib2 import urlopen

# Import the data reading and Bayesian inference stuff we need
from ..bayesphot import bp
from ..read_integrated_prop import read_integrated_prop
from ..read_integrated_phot import read_integrated_phot

# Functions for pre-defined prior probability distributions on the SFR
def dndlogsfr_flat(logsfr):
    return 1.0+logsfr*0.0

def dndlogsfr_schechter(logsfr):
    sfr = np.exp(logsfr)
    return sfr**(-0.51) * np.exp(-sfr/9.2)

# Main sfr_slug class
[docs]class sfr_slug(object): """ A class that can be used to estimate the PDF of true star formation rate from a set of input point mass estimates of the star formation rate. Properties priors : array, shape (N) | callable | 'flat' | 'schechter' | None prior probability on each data point; interpretation depends on the type passed; array, shape (N): values are interpreted as the prior probability of each data point; callable: the callable must take as an argument an array of shape (N, nphys), and return an array of shape (N) giving the prior probability at each data point; None: all data points have equal prior probability; the values 'flat' and 'schechter' use priors p(log SFR) ~ constant and p(log SFR) ~ SFR^alpha exp(-SFR/SFR_*), respectively, where alpha = -0.51 and SFR_* = 9.2 Msun/yr are the values measured by Bothwell et al. (2011) bandwidth : 'auto' | array, shape (M) bandwidth for kernel density estimation; if set to 'auto', the bandwidth will be estimated automatically """ ################################################################## # Initializer method ##################################################################
[docs] def __init__(self, libname=None, detname=None, filters=None, bandwidth=0.1, ktype='gaussian', priors=None, sample_density='read', reltol=1.0e-3, abstol=1.0e-10, leafsize=16): """ Initialize an sfr_slug object. Parameters libname : string name of the SLUG model to load; if left as None, the default is $SLUG_DIR/sfr_slug/SFR_SLUG detname : string name of a SLUG model run with the same parameters but no stochasticity; used to establish the non-stochastic photometry to SFR conversions; if left as None, the default is libname_DET filters : iterable of stringlike list of filter names to be used for inferenence bandwidth : 'auto' | float | array, shape (M) bandwidth for kernel density estimation; if set to 'auto', the bandwidth will be estimated automatically; if set to a float, the same bandwidth is used in all dimensions ktype : string type of kernel to be used in densty estimation; allowed values are 'gaussian' (default), 'epanechnikov', and 'tophat'; only Gaussian can be used with error bars priors : array, shape (N) | callable | None prior probability on each data point; interpretation depends on the type passed; array, shape (N): values are interpreted as the prior probability of each data point; callable: the callable must take as an argument an array of shape (N, nphys), and return an array of shape (N) giving the prior probability at each data point; None: all data points have equal prior probability sample_density : array, shape (N) | callable | 'auto' | 'read' | None the density of the data samples at each data point; this need not match the prior density; interpretation depends on the type passed; array, shape (N): values are interpreted as the density of data sampling at each sample point; callable: the callable must take as an argument an array of shape (N, nphys), and return an array of shape (N) giving the sampling density at each point; 'auto': the sample density will be computed directly from the data set; note that this can be quite slow for large data sets, so it is preferable to specify this analytically if it is known; 'read': the sample density is to be read from a numpy save file whose name matches that of the library, with the extension _density.npy added; None: data are assumed to be uniformly sampled reltol : float relative error tolerance; errors on all returned probabilities p will satisfy either abs(p_est - p_true) <= reltol * p_est OR abs(p_est - p_true) <= abstol, where p_est is the returned estimate and p_true is the true value abstol : float absolute error tolerance; see above leafsize : int number of data points in each leaf of the KD tree Returns Nothing Raises IOError, if the library cannot be found """ # If using the default library, assign the library name if libname is None: self.__libname = osp.join('sfr_slug', 'SFR_SLUG') if 'SLUG_DIR' in os.environ: self.__libname = osp.join(os.environ['SLUG_DIR'], self.__libname) else: self.__libname = libname # Load the data try: prop = read_integrated_prop(self.__libname) phot = read_integrated_phot(self.__libname) except IOError: # If we're here, we failed to load the library. If we were # given a library file name explicitly, just raise an # error. if libname is not None: raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, "unable to open library {}". format(self.__libname)) # If we've made it to here, we were asked to open the # default library but failed to do so. Check if the # failure could be because we don't have astropy and thus # can't open fits files. If that's the cause, print out a # helpful error message. try: import as fits except ImportError: raise IOError(errno.EIO, "failed to read default sfr_slug " + "library sfr_slug/SFR_SLUG due to missing " + "; install astropy " + "or specify a library in a non-FITS " + "format") # If we're here, we couldn't open the default library, and # it's not because we don't have FITS capability. The file # must not exist, or must be damaged. Check if we're in # interactive mode. If not, just raise an error and # suggest the user to go get the library file. errstr = "Unable to open default sfr_slug " + \ "library file sfr_slug/SFR_SLUG." import __main__ as main if hasattr(main, '__file__'): # We're not interactive; just raise an error raise IOError(errno.EIO, errstr + " " + "Try downloading it from " + "") # If we're here, we don't have hte library file, but we # are in interactive mode. Thus offer the user an option # to go download the file now. usr_response \ = raw_input(errstr + " Would you like to download it " "now (total size 160 MB)? [y/n] ").\ lower().strip() if not usr_response in ['yes', 'y', 'ye']: # User didn't say yes, so raise error raise IOError(errno.EIO, "Unable to proceeed") # If we're here, download the files print("Fetching SFR_SLUG_integrated_prop.fits " + "(this may take a while)...") url = urlopen( '') rawdata = url.close() fp = open(osp.join(osp.dirname(self.__libname), 'SFR_SLUG_integrated_prop.fits'), 'wb') fp.write(rawdata) fp.close() print("Fetching SFR_SLUG_integrated_phot.fits " + "(this make take a while)...") url = urlopen( '') rawdata = url.close() fp = open(osp.join(osp.dirname(self.__libname), 'SFR_SLUG_integrated_phot.fits'), 'wb') fp.write(rawdata) fp.close() # Now try reading the data try: prop = read_integrated_prop(self.__libname) phot = read_integrated_phot(self.__libname) except IOError: raise IOError(errno.EIO, "still unable to open default library") # Load the determinstic run if detname is None: self.__detname = self.__libname + '_DET' else: self.__detname = detname propdet = read_integrated_prop(self.__detname) photdet = read_integrated_phot(self.__detname) # If we have been told to read the sample density, do so try: if sample_density == 'read': self.__sample_density = np.load(self.__libname + '_density.npy') except IOError: warnings.warn("unable to load requested sample "+ "density file " + self.__libname + "_density.npy; setting " + "sample_density = 'auto' instead") sample_density = 'auto' # Store filters self.__allfilters = phot.filter_names # Get conversions from photometry to SFR for the deterministic run sfrdet = propdet.target_mass[0,0]/propdet.time[0] self.__conversions = photdet.phot[:,0,0] / sfrdet # Deduce SFR from target mass and time logsfr = np.log10( np.transpose(np.transpose(prop.target_mass)/prop.time[0])) # Convert the photometry from the stochastic runs to SFRs # estimated using the point mass approximation sfrphot = np.transpose(np.transpose(phot.phot) / self.__conversions) sfrphotclip = np.clip(sfrphot, 1e-100, np.inf) logsfrphot = np.log10(sfrphotclip) # Build array of log SFR, log SFR_phot self.__ds = np.zeros((logsfrphot.shape[2], logsfrphot.shape[0]* logsfrphot.shape[1]+1)) self.__ds[:,0] = logsfr self.__ds[:,1:] = np.transpose(logsfrphot.reshape( (logsfrphot.shape[0]*logsfrphot.shape[1], logsfrphot.shape[2]))) # Record other stuff that we'll use to construct bp objects # later if type(bandwidth) is not np.ndarray: bandwidth = np.array([bandwidth]*(1+len(phot.filter_names))) self.__bandwidth = bandwidth self.__ktype = ktype self.__reltol = reltol self.__abstol = abstol if sample_density != 'read': self.__sample_density = sample_density # Initialize empty dict containing filter sets self.__filtersets = [] # Set priors self.priors = priors # If we have been given a filter list, create the data set to # go with it if filters is not None: self.add_filters(filters)
################################################################## # Method to return list of available filters ##################################################################
[docs] def filters(self): """ Returns list of all available filters Parameters: None Returns: filters : list of strings list of available filter names """ return copy.deepcopy(self.__allfilters)
################################################################## # Method to prepare to analyze a particular set of filters ##################################################################
[docs] def add_filters(self, filters): """ Add a set of filters to use for cluster property estimation Parameters filters : iterable of stringlike list of filter names to be used for inferenence Returns nothing """ # Handle the case where we're given just a string for one filter if type(filters) is str: filters = [filters] # If we already have this filter set in our dict, do nothing for f in self.__filtersets: if filters == f['filters']: return # We're adding a new filter set, so save its name newfilter = { 'filters' : filters} # Construct data set to use with this filter combination, and # fill it in newfilter['dataset'] = np.zeros((self.__ds.shape[0], 1+len(filters))) newfilter['dataset'][:,:1] = self.__ds[:,:1] newfilter['idx'] = np.zeros(1+len(filters), dtype=int) newfilter['idx'][0] = 0 for i, f in enumerate(filters): if f not in self.__allfilters: raise ValueError("unknown filter "+str(f)) idx = self.__allfilters.index(f) newfilter['dataset'][:,1+i] = self.__ds[:,1+idx] newfilter['idx'][i+1] = 1+idx # Build a bp object to go with this data set newfilter['bp'] = bp(newfilter['dataset'], 1, filters=filters, bandwidth = self.__bandwidth, ktype = self.__ktype, priors = self.__priors, sample_density = self.__sample_density, reltol = self.__reltol, abstol = self.__abstol) # Save to the master filter list self.__filtersets.append(newfilter)
################################################################## # Define the priors property. This just wraps around the # corresponding property defined for bp objects. ################################################################## @property def priors(self): return self.__priors @priors.setter def priors(self, pr): if pr == 'flat': self.priors = dndlogsfr_flat elif pr == 'schechter': self.priors = dndlogsfr_schechter else: self.__priors = pr for f in self.__filtersets: f['bp'].priors = self.__priors ################################################################## # Define the bandwidth property. This just wraps around the # corresponding property defined for bp objects. ################################################################## @property def bandwidth(self): return self.__bandwidth @bandwidth.setter def bandwidth(self, bandwidth): self.__bandwidth = bandwidth for f in self.__filtersets: f['bp'].bandwidth = np.array(bandwidth)[f['idx']] ################################################################## # Wrappers around the bp logL, mpdf, and mcmc functions ##################################################################
[docs] def logL(self, logSFR, logSFRphot, logSFRphoterr=None, filters=None): """ This function returns the natural log of the likelihood function evaluated at a particular log SFR and set of log luminosities Parameters: logSFR : float or arraylike float or array giving values of the log SFR; for an array, the operation is vectorized logSFRphot : float or arraylike, shape (nfilter) or (..., nfilter) float or array giving the SFR inferred from photometry using a deterministic conversion; for an array, the operation is vectorized over the leading dimensions logSFRphoterr : float arraylike, shape (nfilter) or (..., nfilter) float or array giving photometric SFR errors; for a multidimensional array, the operation is vectorized over the leading dimensions filters : listlike of strings list of photometric filters used for the SFR estimation; if left as None, and only 1 set of photometric filters has been defined for the sfr_slug object, that set will be used by default Returns: logL : float or arraylike natural log of the likelihood function """ # If we were given a floats, make them an arrays of shape 1 for # the purposes of communicating with c if not type(logSFR) is np.ndarray: physprop = np.array(logSFR) if physprop.ndim == 0: physprop = np.reshape(physprop, (1,)) else: physprop = logSFR if not type(logSFRphot) is np.ndarray: photprop = np.array(logSFRphot) if photprop.ndim == 0: photprop = np.reshape(photprop, (1,)) else: photprop = logSFRphot if logSFRphoterr is not None and \ type(logSFRphoterr) is not np.ndarray: photerr = np.array(logSFRphoterr) if photerr.ndim == 0: photerr = np.reshape(photerr, (1,)) else: photerr = logSFRphoterr # Were we given a set of filters? if filters is None: # No filters given; if we have only a single filter set # stored, just use it if len(self.__filtersets) == 1: return self.__filtersets[0]['bp']. \ logL(physprop, photprop, photerr) else: raise ValueError("must specify a filter set") else: # We were given a filter set; add it if it doesn't exist self.add_filters(filters) # Handle the case where we're given just a string for one filter if type(filters) is str: filters = [filters] # Find the bp object we should use for f in self.__filtersets: if f['filters'] == filters: bp = f['bp'] break # Call the logL method return bp.logL(physprop, photprop, photerr)
[docs] def mpdf(self, logSFRphot, logSFRphoterr=None, ngrid=128, qmin=None, qmax=None, grid=None, norm=True, filters=None): """ Returns the marginal probability of log SFR for one or more input sets of photometric properties. Output quantities are computed on a grid of values, in the same style as meshgrid Parameters: logSFRphot : float or arraylike float or array giving the log SFR inferred from photometry using a deterministic conversion; if the argument is an array, the operation is vectorized over it logSFRphoterr : arraylike, shape (nfilter) or (..., nfilter) array giving photometric errors; for a multidimensional array, the operation is vectorized over the leading dimensions ngrid : int number of points in the output log SFR grid qmin : float minimum value in the output log SFR grid qmax : float maximum value in the output log SFR grid grid : array set of values defining the grid of SFR values at which to evaluate; if set, overrides ngrid, qmin, and qmax norm : bool if True, returned pdf's will be normalized to integrate to 1 filters : listlike of strings list of photometric filters to use; if left as None, and only 1 set of photometric filters has been defined for the cluster_slug object, that set will be used by default Returns: grid_out : array array of log SFR values at which the PDF is evaluated pdf : array array of marginal posterior probabilities at each point of the output grid, for each input photometric value; the leading dimensions match the leading dimensions produced by broadcasting the leading dimensions of photprop and photerr together, while the trailing dimensions match the dimensions of the output grid """ # If we were given a floats, make them an arrays of shape 1 for # the purposes of communicating with c if not type(logSFRphot) is np.ndarray: photprop = np.array(logSFRphot) if photprop.ndim == 0: photprop = np.reshape(photprop, (1,)) else: photprop = logSFRphot if logSFRphoterr is not None and \ type(logSFRphoterr) is not np.ndarray: photerr = np.array(logSFRphoterr) if photerr.ndim == 0: photerr = np.reshape(photerr, (1,)) else: photerr = logSFRphoterr # Were we given a set of filters? if filters is None: # No filters given; if we have only a single filter set # stored, just use it if len(self.__filtersets) == 1: return self.__filtersets[0]['bp']. \ mpdf(0, photprop, photerr, ngrid, qmin, qmax, grid, norm) else: raise ValueError("must specify a filter set") else: # We were given a filter set; add it if it doesn't exist self.add_filters(filters) # Handle the case where we're given just a string for one filter if type(filters) is str: filters = [filters] # Find the bp object we should use for f in self.__filtersets: if f['filters'] == filters: bp = f['bp'] break # Call the logL method return bp.mpdf(0, photprop, photerr, ngrid, qmin, qmax, grid, norm)
[docs] def mcmc(self, photprop, photerr=None, mc_walkers=100, mc_steps=500, mc_burn_in=50, filters=None): """ This function returns a sample of MCMC walkers for log SFR Parameters: photprop : arraylike, shape (nfilter) or (..., nfilter) array giving the photometric values; for a multidimensional array, the operation is vectorized over the leading dimensions photerr : arraylike, shape (nfilter) or (..., nfilter) array giving photometric errors; for a multidimensional array, the operation is vectorized over the leading dimensions mc_walkers : int number of walkers to use in the MCMC mc_steps : int number of steps in the MCMC mc_burn_in : int number of steps to consider "burn-in" and discard filters : listlike of strings list of photometric filters to use; if left as None, and only 1 set of photometric filters has been defined for the cluster_slug object, that set will be used by default Returns samples : array array of sample points returned by the MCMC """ # If we were given a floats, make them an arrays of shape 1 for # the purposes of communicating with c if not type(logSFRphot) is np.ndarray: photprop = np.array([logSFRphot]) if photprop.ndim == 0: photprop = np.reshape(photprop, (1,)) else: photprop = logSFRphot if logSFRphoterr is not None and \ type(logSFRphoterr) is not np.ndarray: photerr = np.array([logSFRphoterr]) if photerr.ndim == 0: photerr = np.reshape(photerr, (1,)) else: photerr = logSFRphoterr # Were we given a set of filters? if filters is None: # No filters given; if we have only a single filter set # stored, just use it if len(self.__filtersets) == 1: return self.__filtersets[0]['bp']. \ mcmc(photprop, photerr, mc_walkers, mc_steps, mc_burn_in) else: raise ValueError("must specify a filter set") else: # We were given a filter set; add it if it doesn't exist self.add_filters(filters) # Find the bp object we should use for f in self.__filtersets: if f['filters'] == filters: bp = f['bp'] break # Handle the case where we're given just a string for one filter if type(filters) is str: filters = [filters] # Call the logL method return bp.mcmc(photprop, photerr, mc_walkers, mc_steps, mc_burn_in)