Source code for slugpy.read_integrated_spec

Function to read a SLUG2 integrated_spec file.

import numpy as np
from collections import namedtuple
import struct
import re
from .slug_open import slug_open

[docs]def read_integrated_spec(model_name, output_dir=None, fmt=None, verbose=False, read_info=None): """ Function to read a SLUG2 integrated_spec file. Parameters model_name : string The name of the model to be read output_dir : string The directory where the SLUG2 output is located; if set to None, the current directory is searched, followed by the SLUG_DIR directory if that environment variable is set fmt : 'txt' | 'ascii' | 'bin' | 'binary' | 'fits' | 'fits2' Format for the file to be read. If one of these is set, the function will only attempt to open ASCII-('txt' or 'ascii'), binary ('bin' or 'binary'), or FITS ('fits' or 'fits2') formatted output, ending in .txt., .bin, or .fits, respectively. If set to None, the code will try to open ASCII files first, then if it fails try binary files, and if it fails again try FITS files. verbose : bool If True, verbose output is printed as code runs read_info : dict On return, this dict will contain the keys 'fname' and 'format', giving the name of the file read and the format it was in; 'format' will be one of 'ascii', 'binary', or 'fits' Returns A namedtuple containing the following fields: time : array, shape (N_times) or shape (N_trials) Times at which data are output; shape is either N_times (if the run was done with fixed output times) or N_trials (if the run was done with random output times) wl : array wavelength, in Angstrom spec : array, shape (N_wavelength, N_times, N_trials) specific luminosity at each wavelength and each time for each trial, in erg/s/A wl_neb : array wavelength for the nebular spectrum, in Angstrom (present only if SLUG was run with nebular emission enabled) spec_neb : array, shape (N_wavelength, N_times, N_trials) specific luminosity at each wavelength and each time for each trial, including emission and absorption by the HII region, in erg/s/A (present only if SLUG was run with nebular emission enabled) wl_ex : array wavelength for the extincted spectrum, in Angstrom (present only if SLUG was run with extinction enabled) spec_ex : array, shape (N_wavelength, N_times, N_trials) specific luminosity at each wavelength in wl_ex and each time for each trial after extinction has been applied, in erg/s/A (present only if SLUG was run with extinction enabled) wl_neb_ex : array wavelength for the extincted spectrum with nebular emission, in Angstrom (present only if SLUG was run with both nebular emission and extinction enabled) spec_neb_ex : array, shape (N_wavelength, N_times, N_trials) specific luminosity at each wavelength in wl_ex and each time for each trial including emission and absorption by the HII region, after extinction has been applied, in erg/s/A (present only if SLUG was run with nebular emission and extinction both enabled) """ # Open file fp, fname = slug_open(model_name+"_integrated_spec", output_dir=output_dir, fmt=fmt) # See if this file is a checkpoint file if len(re.findall('_chk\d\d\d\d', model_name)) != 0: checkpoint = True else: checkpoint = False # Print status if verbose: print("Reading integrated spectra for model "+model_name) if read_info is not None: read_info['fname'] = fname # Read data if fname.endswith('.txt'): # ASCII mode if read_info is not None: read_info['format'] = 'ascii' # Prepare output holders wavelength = [] time = [] L_lambda = [] trial = [] # If this is a checkpoint file, skip the line stating how many # trials it contains; this line is not guaranteed to be # accurate, and is intended for the C++ code, not for us if checkpoint: fp.readline() # Read the first header line hdr = fp.readline() # See if we have extinction hdrsplit = hdr.split() if 'L_lambda_ex' in hdrsplit: extinct = True wl_ex = [] L_lambda_ex = [] excol = hdrsplit.index('L_lambda_ex') else: extinct = False # See if we have nebular emission if 'L_l_neb' in hdrsplit: nebular = True L_lambda_neb = [] nebcol = hdrsplit.index('L_l_neb') if extinct: L_lambda_neb_ex = [] nebexcol = hdrsplit.index('L_l_neb_ex') else: nebular = False # Burn the next two lines fp.readline() fp.readline() # Read data trialptr = 0 for entry in fp: if entry[:3] == '---': trialptr = trialptr+1 continue # Skip separator lines # Split up the line data = entry.split() trial.append(trialptr) time.append(float(data[0])) wavelength.append(float(data[1])) L_lambda.append(float(data[2])) if nebular: L_lambda_neb.append(float(data[3])) if len(data) > 3 + nebular: wl_ex.append(float(data[1])) L_lambda_ex.append(float(data[3+nebular])) if nebular: L_lambda_neb_ex.append(float(data[5])) # Convert to arrays trial = np.array(trial) time = np.array(time) wavelength = np.array(wavelength) L_lambda = np.array(L_lambda) if nebular: L_lambda_neb = np.array(L_lambda_neb) if extinct: wl_ex = np.array(wl_ex) L_lambda_ex = np.array(L_lambda_ex) if nebular and extinct: L_lambda_neb_ex = np.array(L_lambda_neb_ex) # Figure out the number of wavelengths by finding the first # time a wavelength repeats. Truncate the wavelength and time # arrays appropriately. repeats = np.where(wavelength == wavelength[0])[0] if len(repeats) > 1: nl = repeats[1] wavelength = wavelength[:nl] time = time[::nl] trial = trial[::nl] else: nl = len(wavelength) time = [time[0]] trial = [trial[0]] if extinct: repeats = np.where(wl_ex == wl_ex[0])[0] if len(repeats) > 1: nl_ex = repeats[1] wl_ex = wl_ex[:nl_ex] # Figure out how many trials there are and reshape the time # array appropriately ntrial = len(np.unique(trial)) ntime = len(time)//ntrial if ntime != len(time): if np.amin(time[:ntime] == time[ntime:2*ntime]): time = time[:ntime] # Reshape the L_lambda array L_lambda = np.transpose(np.reshape(L_lambda, (ntrial, ntime, nl))) if nebular: L_lambda_neb = np.transpose(np.reshape(L_lambda_neb, (ntrial, ntime, nl))) if extinct: L_lambda_ex = np.transpose( np.reshape(L_lambda_ex, (ntrial, ntime, nl_ex))) if nebular: L_lambda_neb_ex = np.transpose( np.reshape(L_lambda_neb_ex, (ntrial, ntime, nl_ex))) # If we have nebular emission, for ASCII output the nebular # wavelength list is identical to the stellar one if nebular: wl_neb = wavelength if extinct: wl_neb_ex = wl_ex elif fname.endswith('.bin'): # Binary mode if read_info is not None: read_info['format'] = 'binary' # If this is a checkpoint, skip the bytes specifying how many # trials we have; this is inteded for the C++ code, not for # us, since we will determine that on our own if checkpoint: data ='i')) # Read two characters to see if nebular emission and # extinction are included in this file or not data ='b')) nebular = struct.unpack('b', data)[0] != 0 data ='b')) extinct = struct.unpack('b', data)[0] != 0 # First read number of wavelengths and wavelength table data ='L')) nl, = struct.unpack('L', data) data ='d')*nl) wavelength = np.array(struct.unpack('d'*nl, data)) if nebular: data ='L')) nl_neb, = struct.unpack('L', data) data ='d')*nl_neb) wl_neb = np.array(struct.unpack('d'*nl_neb, data)) else: nl_neb = 0 if extinct: data ='L')) nl_ex, = struct.unpack('L', data) data ='d')*nl_ex) wl_ex = np.array(struct.unpack('d'*nl_ex, data)) else: nl_ex = 0 if extinct and nebular: data ='L')) nl_neb_ex, = struct.unpack('L', data) data ='d')*nl_neb_ex) wl_neb_ex = np.array(struct.unpack('d'*nl_neb_ex, data)) else: nl_neb_ex = 0 # Now read the rest of the file and convert to correct type data = nchunk = len(data) // \ (struct.calcsize('L') + (nl + nl_neb + nl_ex + nl_neb_ex + 1) *struct.calcsize('d')) data_list = struct.unpack( ('L'+'d'*(nl + nl_neb + nl_ex + nl_neb_ex + 1))*nchunk, data) # Get time and trial arrays, and get number of times and trials trial = np.array(data_list[::nl+nl_neb+nl_ex+nl_neb_ex+2], dtype='uint') time = np.array(data_list[1::nl+nl_neb+nl_ex+nl_neb_ex+2]) ntrial = len(np.unique(trial)) ntime = len(time)//ntrial if ntime != len(time): if np.amin(time[:ntime] == time[ntime:2*ntime]): time = time[:ntime] # Put L_lambda into array L_lambda = np.zeros((nl, ntime, ntrial)) if nebular: L_lambda_neb = np.zeros((nl_neb, ntime, ntrial)) if extinct: L_lambda_ex = np.zeros((nl_ex, ntime, ntrial)) if nebular: L_lambda_neb_ex = np.zeros((nl_neb_ex, ntime, ntrial)) ptr = 0 for i in range(ntrial): for j in range(ntime): ptr1 = ptr*(nl+nl_neb+nl_ex+nl_neb_ex+2)+2 L_lambda[:,j,i] \ = np.array(data_list[ptr1:ptr1+nl]) offset = nl if nebular: L_lambda_neb[:,j,i] \ = np.array(data_list[ptr1+offset: ptr1+offset+nl_neb]) offset = offset+nl_neb if extinct: L_lambda_ex[:,j,i] \ = np.array(data_list[ptr1+offset: ptr1+offset+nl_ex]) offset = offset+nl_ex if nebular: L_lambda_neb_ex[:,j,i] \ = np.array(data_list[ptr1+offset: ptr1+offset+nl_neb_ex]) ptr = ptr+1 elif fname.endswith('.fits'): # FITS mode if read_info is not None: read_info['format'] = 'fits' # Read data wavelength = fp[1].data.field('Wavelength') wavelength = wavelength.flatten() trial = fp[2].data.field('Trial') time = fp[2].data.field('Time') L_lambda = fp[2].data.field('L_lambda') # Re-arrange data into desired shape ntrial = len(np.unique(trial)) ntime = len(time)//ntrial if ntime != len(time): if np.amin(time[:ntime] == time[ntime:2*ntime]): time = time[:ntime] L_lambda \ = np.transpose( np.reshape(L_lambda, (ntrial, ntime, len(wavelength)))) # Read nebular data if available if 'L_lambda_neb' in fp[2].data.columns.names: nebular = True wl_neb = fp[1].data.field('Wavelength_neb') wl_neb = wl_neb.flatten() L_lambda_neb = fp[2].data.field('L_lambda_neb') L_lambda_neb \ = np.transpose( np.reshape(L_lambda_neb, (ntrial, ntime, len(wl_neb)))) else: nebular = False # If we have extinction data, handle that too if 'Wavelength_ex' in fp[1].data.columns.names: extinct = True wl_ex = fp[1].data.field('Wavelength_ex') wl_ex = wl_ex.flatten() L_lambda_ex = fp[2].data.field('L_lambda_ex') L_lambda_ex \ = np.transpose( np.reshape(L_lambda_ex, (ntrial, ntime, len(wl_ex)))) else: extinct = False # Handle extincted neblar data if nebular and extinct: wl_neb_ex = fp[1].data.field('Wavelength_neb_ex') wl_neb_ex = wl_neb_ex.flatten() L_lambda_neb_ex = fp[2].data.field('L_lambda_neb_ex') L_lambda_neb_ex \ = np.transpose( np.reshape(L_lambda_neb_ex, (ntrial, ntime, len(wl_neb_ex)))) # Close file fp.close() # Build the namedtuple to hold output fieldnames = ['time', 'wl', 'spec'] fields = [time, wavelength, L_lambda] if nebular: fieldnames = fieldnames + ['wl_neb', 'spec_neb'] fields = fields + [wl_neb, L_lambda_neb] if extinct: fieldnames = fieldnames + ['wl_ex', 'spec_ex'] fields = fields + [wl_ex, L_lambda_ex] if nebular: fieldnames = fieldnames + ['wl_neb_ex', 'spec_neb_ex'] fields = fields + [wl_neb_ex, L_lambda_neb_ex] out_type = namedtuple('integrated_spec', fieldnames) out = out_type(*fields) # Return return out