Source code for slugpy.read_cluster_ew

Function to read a SLUG2 cluster_ew file.

import numpy as np
from collections import namedtuple
from copy import deepcopy
import struct
import re
import errno
from .slug_open import slug_open

[docs]def read_cluster_ew(model_name, output_dir=None, fmt=None, verbose=False, read_info=None, lines_only=False, read_lines=None, ew_only=False): """ Function to read a SLUG2 cluster_ew file. Parameters model_name : string The name of the model to be read output_dir : string The directory where the SLUG2 output is located; if set to None, the current directory is searched, followed by the SLUG_DIR directory if that environment variable is set fmt : 'txt' | 'ascii' | 'bin' | 'binary' | 'fits' | 'fits2' Format for the file to be read. If one of these is set, the function will only attempt to open ASCII-('txt' or 'ascii'), binary ('bin' or 'binary'), or FITS ('fits' or 'fits2') formatted output, ending in .txt., .bin, or .fits, respectively. If set to None, the code will try to open ASCII files first, then if it fails try binary files, and if it fails again try FITS files. Only FITS files are supported for the Equivalent Width data file. verbose : bool If True, verbose output is printed as code runs read_info : dict On return, this dict will contain the keys 'fname' and 'format', giving the name of the file read and the format it was in; 'format' will be one of 'ascii', 'binary', or 'fits' lines_only : bool If True, the code only reads the data on the lines, not any of the equivalent widths. read_lines : None | string | listlike containing strings If this is None, data on all lines is read. Otherwise only liness whose name(s) match the input line names are read. ew_only : bool If true, id, trial, time, and line information are not read, only the equivalent widths Returns A namedtuple, which can contain the following fields depending on the input options, and depending on which fields are present in the file being read: id : array, dtype uint unique ID of cluster trial: array, dtype uint which trial was this cluster part of time : array times at which cluster spectra are output, in yr line_names : list of string a list giving the name for each line line_units : list of string a list giving the units for the equivalent width of each line ew : array, shape (N_cluster, N_lines) equivalent width value of each line for each cluster; units are as indicated in the units field Raises IOError, if no photometry file can be opened ValueError, if photsystem is set to an unknown value """ # Open file fp, fname = slug_open(model_name+"_cluster_ew", output_dir=output_dir, fmt=fmt) # Print status if verbose: print("Reading cluster equivalent widths for model "+model_name) if read_info is not None: read_info['fname'] = fname # See if this file is a checkpoint file if len(re.findall('_chk\d\d\d\d', model_name)) != 0: checkpoint = True else: checkpoint = False # Prepare holders for data if not ew_only: cluster_id = [] time = [] trial = [] ew = [] # Read data if fname.endswith('.txt'): ######################################################## # ASCII mode ######################################################## raise NotImplementedError("EW only implemented for " "FITS files - ERROR - ABORTING") elif fname.endswith('.bin'): ######################################################## # Binary mode ######################################################## raise NotImplementedError("EW only implemented for " "FITS files - ERROR - ABORTING") elif fname.endswith('.fits'): ######################################################## # FITS mode ######################################################## if read_info is not None: read_info['format'] = 'fits' # Figure out which of the two fits formats we're using; if # there's > 2 HDUs, we're using fits2, otherwise we're using # fits1 if len(fp) == 2: ######################################################## # FITS1 format: all the data is stored in a single HDU ######################################################## # Get line names and units lines = [] units = [] i = 4 while 'TTYPE'+str(i) in fp[1].header.keys(): lines.append(fp[1].header['TTYPE'+str(i)]) units.append(fp[1].header['TUNIT'+str(i)]) i = i+1 nlines = len(lines) # If given a list of lines to read, make sure that we # haven't been given ones that are not available; if we have, # raise an error now if read_lines is not None: if hasattr(read_lines, '__iter__'): for f in read_lines: if not cl in lines: raise IOError(errno.EIO, "requested line {:s} not available!". format(f)) else: if not read_lines in lines: raise IOError(errno.EIO, "requested line {:s} not available!". format(read_lines)) # If only reading lines, skip the rest if not lines_only: # If requested to read only certain lines, figure # out which ones are in our list to read if read_lines is not None: lread = [] nl_final = 0 if hasattr(read_lines, '__iter__'): for cl in lines: if cl in read_lines: lread.append(True) nl_final = nl_final+1 else: lread.append(False) else: for cl in lines: if cl == read_lines: lread.append(True) nl_final = nl_final+1 else: lread.append(False) else: lread = [True] * len(lines) nl_final = len(lines) # Get cluster ID, trial, time if not ew_only: cluster_id = fp[1].data.field('UniqueID') trial = fp[1].data.field('Trial') time = fp[1].data.field('Time') # Get equivalent width data ew = np.zeros((fp[1].header['NAXIS2'], nl_final)) ptr = 0 for i in range(len(lines)): if lread[i]: ew[:,ptr] = fp[1].data.field(lines[i]) ptr = ptr+1 else: ######################################################## # FITS2 format: each line in its own HDU ######################################################## # Get line names and units lines = [fp[i].header['TTYPE1'] for i in range(2,len(fp))] units = [fp[i].header['TUNIT1'] for i in range(2,len(fp))] nlines = len(lines) # If given a list of lines to read, make sure that we # haven't been given ones that are not available; if we have, # raise an error now if read_lines is not None: if hasattr(read_lines, '__iter__'): for cl in read_lines: if not cl in lines: raise IOError(errno.EIO, "requested line {:s} not available!". format(f)) else: if not read_lines in lines: raise IOError(errno.EIO, "requested line {:s} not available!". format(read_lines)) # If only reading lines, skip the rest if not lines_only: # If requested to read only certain lines, figure # out which ones are in our list to read if read_lines is not None: lread = [] nl_final = 0 if hasattr(read_lines, '__iter__'): for cl in lines: if cl in read_lines: lread.append(True) nl_final = nl_final+1 else: lread.append(False) else: for cl in lines: if cl == read_lines: lread.append(True) nl_final = nl_final+1 else: lread.append(False) else: lread = [True] * len(lines) nl_final = len(lines) # Get cluster ID, trial, time if not ew_only: cluster_id = fp[1].data.field('UniqueID') trial = fp[1].data.field('Trial') time = fp[1].data.field('Time') # Get equivalent width ew = np.zeros((fp[1].header['NAXIS2'], nl_final)) ptr1 = 0 ptr2 = 2 for i in range(len(lines)): if lread[i]: ew[:,ptr1] \ = fp[ptr2].data.field(lines[i]) ptr1 = ptr1 + 1 ptr2 = ptr2+1 ptr1 = 0 ######################################################## # End of file reading block ######################################################## # Close file fp.close() # If using only a subset of lines, truncate the line list now if read_lines is not None: lines_tmp = [] units_tmp = [] for i in range(len(lines)): if lread[i]: lines_tmp.append(lines[i]) units_tmp.append(units[i]) lines = lines_tmp units = units_tmp # Convert to arrays if not lines_only: if not ew_only: cluster_id = np.array(cluster_id, dtype='uint') time = np.array(time, dtype='float') trial = np.array(trial, dtype='uint') ew = np.array(ew, dtype='float') ew = np.reshape(ew, (ew.size/len(lines), len(lines))) # Construct return object if lines_only or ew_only: fieldnames = ['line_names','line_units'] fields = [lines,units] else: fieldnames = ['id', 'trial', 'time', 'line_names', 'line_units'] fields = [cluster_id, trial, time, lines, units] fieldnames = fieldnames + ['ew'] fields = fields + [ew] out_type = namedtuple('cluster_ew', fieldnames) out = out_type(*fields) # Return return out