Source code for slugpy.read_integrated_phot

Function to read a SLUG2 integrated_phot file.

import numpy as np
from collections import namedtuple
from copy import deepcopy
import struct
import re
from .photometry_convert import photometry_convert
from .read_filter import read_filter
from .slug_open import slug_open

[docs]def read_integrated_phot(model_name, output_dir=None, fmt=None, nofilterdata=False, photsystem=None, verbose=False, read_info=None, filters_only=False, read_filters=None, read_nebular=None, read_extinct=None): """ Function to read a SLUG2 integrated_phot file. Parameters model_name : string The name of the model to be read output_dir : string The directory where the SLUG2 output is located; if set to None, the current directory is searched, followed by the SLUG_DIR directory if that environment variable is set fmt : 'txt' | 'ascii' | 'bin' | 'binary' | 'fits' | 'fits2' Format for the file to be read. If one of these is set, the function will only attempt to open ASCII-('txt' or 'ascii'), binary ('bin' or 'binary'), or FITS ('fits' or 'fits2') formatted output, ending in .txt., .bin, or .fits, respectively. If set to None, the code will try to open ASCII files first, then if it fails try binary files, and if it fails again try FITS files. nofilterdata : bool If True, the routine does not attempt to read the filter response data from the standard location photsystem : None or string If photsystem is None, the data will be returned in the same photometric system in which they were read. Alternately, if it is a string, the data will be converted to the specified photometric system. Allowable values are 'L_nu', 'L_lambda', 'AB', 'STMAG', and 'Vega', corresponding to the options defined in the SLUG code. If this is set and the conversion requested involves a conversion from a wavelength-based system to a frequency-based one, nofilterdata must be False so that the central wavelength of the photometric filters is available. verbose : bool If True, verbose output is printed as code runs read_info : dict On return, this dict will contain the keys 'fname' and 'format', giving the name of the file read and the format it was in; 'format' will be one of 'ascii', 'binary', or 'fits' filters_only : bool If True, the code only reads the data on the filters, not any of the actual photometry. If combined with nofilterdata, this can be used to return the list of available filters and nothing else. read_filters : None | string | listlike containing strings If this is None, data on all filters is read. Otherwise only filters whose name(s) match the input filter names ar read. read_nebular : None | bool If True, only data with the nebular contribution is read; if False, only data without it is read. Default behavior is to read all data. read_extinct : None | bool If True, only data with extinction applied is read; if False, only data without it is read. Default behavior is to read all data. Returns A namedtuple , which can contain the following fields depending on the input options, and depending on which fields are present in the file being read: time : array, shape (N_times) or shape (N_trials) Times at which data are output; shape is either N_times (if the run was done with fixed output times) or N_trials (if the run was done with random output times) filter_names : list of string a list giving the name for each filter filter_units : list of string a list giving the units for each filter filter_wl_eff : list effective wavelength of each filter; this is set to None for the filters Lbol, QH0, QHe0, and QHe1; omitted if nofilterdata is True filter_wl : list of arrays a list giving the wavelength table for each filter; this is None for the filters Lbol, QH0, QHe0, and QHe1 filter_response : list of arrays a list giving the photon response function for each filter; this is None for the filters Lbol, QH0, QHe0, and QHe1 filter_beta : list powerlaw index beta for each filter; used to normalize the photometry filter_wl_c : list pivot wavelength for each filter; used to normalize the photometry phot : array, shape (N_filter, N_times, N_trials) photometric value in each filter at each time in each trial; units are as indicated in the units field phot_neb : array, shape (N_filter, N_times, N_trials) same as phot, but for the light after it has passed through the HII region phot_ex : array, shape (N_filter, N_times, N_trials) same as phot, but after extinction has been applied phot_neb_ex : array, shape (N_filter, N_times, N_trials) same as phot, but for the light after it has passed through the HII region and then had extinction applied Raises IOError, if no photometry file can be opened ValueError, if photsystem is set to an unknown value """ # Open file fp, fname = slug_open(model_name+"_integrated_phot", output_dir=output_dir, fmt=fmt) # See if this file is a checkpoint file if len(re.findall('_chk\d\d\d\d', model_name)) != 0: checkpoint = True else: checkpoint = False # Print status if verbose: print("Reading integrated photometry for model "+model_name) if read_info is not None: read_info['fname'] = fname # Read data if fname.endswith('.txt'): # ASCII mode if read_info is not None: read_info['format'] = 'ascii' # If this is a checkpoint file, skip the line stating how many # trials it contains; this line is not guaranteed to be # accurate, and is intended for the C++ code, not for us if checkpoint: fp.readline() # Read the list of filters line = fp.readline() filters = line.split()[1:] nfilter = len(filters) # Read the list of units line = fp.readline() line = line.replace(')', '(').split('(') # split by ( and ) units = [] for l in line: if (not l.isspace()) and (len(l) > 0): units.append(l) units = units[1:] # Get rid of the units for time # Search for filters with names that end in _n, _ex, or _nex, # indicating that they include the effects of the nebula, # extinction, or both neb = [] ex = [] for i in range(nfilter): if len(filters[i]) > 2: if filters[i][-2:] == '_n': neb.append(i) if len(filters[i]) > 3: if filters[i][-3:] == '_ex': ex.append(i) if len(neb) > 0: nebular = True else: nebular = False if len(ex) > 0: extinct = True else: extinct = False # If we have nebular emission or extinction, reshape filter # and units lists nuniq = nfilter // ((1+nebular)*(1+extinct)) nfilter = nuniq filters = filters[:nfilter] units = units[:nfilter] # Skip the rest if reading filter data only if not filters_only: # If requested to read only certain filters, figure out # which ones are in our list to read if read_filters is not None: fread = [] if hasattr(read_filters, '__iter__'): for f in filters: if f in read_filters: fread.append(True) else: fread.append(False) else: for f in filters: if f == read_filters: fread.append(True) else: fread.append(False) # Burn a line line = fp.readline() # Prepare holders for data trial = [] time = [] phot = [] if nebular: phot_neb = [] if extinct: phot_ex = [] if nebular and extinct: phot_neb_ex = [] # Read through data trialptr = 0 for line in fp: if line[:3] == '---': trialptr = trialptr + 1 continue # Skip separator lines linesplit = line.split() trial.append(trialptr) time.append(float(linesplit[0])) if read_nebular is not True and read_extinct is not True: if read_filters is None: phot.append(np.array(linesplit[1:nfilter+1], dtype='float')) else: tmp = [] for i, j in enumerate(range(1,1+nfilter)): if fread[i]: tmp.append(linesplit[j]) phot.append(np.array(tmp, dtype='float')) if nebular and read_nebular is not False and \ read_extinct is not True: if read_filters is None: phot_neb.append(np.array( linesplit[nfilter+1:2*nfilter+1], dtype='float')) else: tmp = [] for i, j in enumerate(range(nfilter+1,1+2*nfilter)): if fread[i]: tmp.append(linesplit[j]) phot_neb.append(np.array(tmp, dtype='float')) if extinct and read_nebular is not True and \ read_extinct is not False: tmp_ex = [] for i in range(nfilter): substr = line[21*(1+(1+nebular)*nfilter+i): 21*(1+(1+nebular)*nfilter+i+1)] if read_filters is None: if substr.isspace(): tmp_ex.append(np.nan) else: tmp_ex.append(float(substr)) else: if fread[i]: if substr.isspace(): tmp_ex.append(np.nan) else: tmp_ex.append(float(substr)) phot_ex.append(np.array(tmp_ex, dtype='float')) if nebular and extinct and read_nebular is not False \ and read_extinct is not False: tmp_neb_ex = [] for i in range(nfilter): substr = line[21*(1+3*nfilter+i): 21*(1+3*nfilter+i+1)] if read_filters is None: if substr.isspace(): tmp_neb_ex.append(np.nan) else: tmp_neb_ex.append(float(substr)) else: if fread[i]: if substr.isspace(): tmp_neb_ex.append(np.nan) else: tmp_neb_ex.append(float(substr)) phot_neb_ex.append(np.array(tmp_neb_ex, dtype='float')) # Convert to arrays trial = np.array(trial) time = np.array(time) phot = np.array(phot) if nebular: phot_neb = np.array(phot_neb) if extinct: phot_ex = np.array(phot_ex) if nebular and extinct: phot_neb_ex = np.array(phot_neb_ex) elif fname.endswith('.bin'): # Binary mode if read_info is not None: read_info['format'] = 'binary' # If this is a checkpoint, skip the bytes specifying how many # trials we have; this is inteded for the C++ code, not for # us, since we will determine that on our own if checkpoint: data ='i')) # Read number of filters nfilter = int(fp.readline()) # Read filter names and units filters = [] units = [] for i in range(nfilter): line = fp.readline() filters.append(line.split()[0].decode("utf-8")) units.append(line.split()[1].decode("utf-8")) # Read the bits that tells us if we're using nebular emission # and extinction data ='b')) nebular = struct.unpack('b', data)[0] != 0 data ='b')) extinct = struct.unpack('b', data)[0] != 0 nftot = (1+nebular)*(1+extinct)*nfilter # If only reading the filters, skip the rest of this if not filters_only: # Handle things differently if we're reading # everything versus if we're reading just some filters if read_filters is None: # Read rest of file data = # Unpack the data chunkstr = 'L'+(nftot+1)*'d' nchunk = len(data)//struct.calcsize(chunkstr) data_list = struct.unpack(nchunk*chunkstr, data) # Parse into arrays trial = np.array(data_list[::nftot+2], dtype=np.uint64) time = np.array(data_list[1::nftot+2]) if read_nebular is not True and read_extinct is not True: phot = np.zeros((nchunk, nfilter)) if nebular and \ read_nebular is not False and \ read_extinct is not True: phot_neb = np.zeros((nchunk, nfilter)) if extinct and \ read_nebular is not True and \ read_extinct is not False: phot_ex = np.zeros((nchunk, nfilter)) if nebular and extinct and \ read_nebular is not False and \ read_extinct is not False: phot_neb_ex = np.zeros((nchunk, nfilter)) for i in range(nchunk): if read_nebular is not True and \ read_extinct is not True: phot[i,:] = data_list[(nftot+2)*i+2: (nftot+2)*i+2+nfilter] ptr = 1 if nebular: if read_nebular is not False and \ read_extinct is not True: phot_neb[i,:] \ = data_list[(nftot+2)*i+nfilter*ptr+2: (nftot+2)*i+nfilter*(ptr+1)+2] ptr = ptr+1 if extinct: if read_nebular is not True and \ read_extinct is not False: phot_ex[i,:] \ = data_list[(nftot+2)*i+nfilter*ptr+2: (nftot+2)*i+nfilter*(ptr+1)+2] ptr = ptr+1 if nebular and extinct: if read_nebular is not False and \ read_extinct is not False: phot_neb_ex[i,:] \ = data_list[(nftot+2)*i+nfilter*ptr+2: (nftot+2)*i+nfilter*(ptr+1)+2] ptr = ptr+1 else: # Figure oput which filters to read fread = [] if hasattr(read_filters, '__iter__'): for f in filters: if f in read_filters: fread.append(True) else: fread.append(False) else: for f in filters: if f == read_filters: fread.append(True) else: fread.append(False) # Set up lists to hold data trial = [] time = [] phot = [] phot_neb = [] phot_ex = [] phot_neb_ex = [] # Loop over times while True: # Read trial and time data ='Ld')) if len(data) < struct.calcsize('Ld'): break data_list = struct.unpack('Ld', data) trial.append(data_list[0]) time.append(data_list[1]) # Loop over filters for i in range(nfilter): if fread[i] and \ read_nebular is not True and \ read_extinct is not True: data ='d')) data_list = struct.unpack('d', data) phot.extend(data_list) else:'d'), 1) # Repeat for nebular if nebular: for i in range(nfilter): if fread[i] and \ read_nebular is not False and \ read_extinct is not True: data ='d')) data_list = struct.unpack('d', data) phot_neb.extend(data_list) else:'d'), 1) # Repeat for extincted emission if extinct: for i in range(nfilter): if fread[i] and \ read_nebular is not True and \ read_extinct is not False: data ='d')) data_list = struct.unpack('d', data) phot_ex.extend(data_list) else:'d'), 1) # Repeat for nebular plus extincted emission if nebular and extinct: for i in range(nfilter): if fread[i] and \ read_nebular is not False and \ read_extinct is not False: data ='d')) data_list = struct.unpack('d', data) phot_neb_ex.extend(data_list) else:'d'), 1) # Convert to arrays trial = np.array(trial, dtype=np.uint64) time = np.array(time, dtype='float') if read_nebular is not True and \ read_extinct is not True: phot = np.array(phot, dtype='float') if nebular and \ read_nebular is not False and \ read_extinct is not True: phot_neb = np.array(phot_neb, dtype='float') if extinct and \ read_nebular is not True and \ read_extinct is not False: phot_ex = np.array(phot_ex, dtype='float') if nebular and extinct and \ read_nebular is not False and \ read_extinct is not False: phot_neb_ex = np.array(phot_neb_ex, dtype='float') elif fname.endswith('.fits'): # FITS mode if read_info is not None: read_info['format'] = 'fits' # Get filter names and units filters = [] units = [] i = 3 while 'TTYPE'+str(i) in fp[1].header.keys(): filters.append(fp[1].header['TTYPE'+str(i)]) units.append(fp[1].header['TUNIT'+str(i)]) i = i+1 nfilter = len(filters) # Search for filters with names that end in _neb, _ex, or _neb_ex, # indicating that they include the effects of the nebula, # extinction, or both neb = [] ex = [] for i in range(nfilter): if len(filters[i]) > 4: if filters[i][-4:] == '_neb': neb.append(i) if len(filters[i]) > 3: if filters[i][-3:] == '_ex': ex.append(i) if len(neb) > 0: nebular = True else: nebular = False if len(ex) > 0: extinct = True else: extinct = False # If we have nebular emission or extinction, reshape filter # and units lists nuniq = nfilter // ((1+nebular)*(1+extinct)) nfilter = nuniq filters = filters[:nfilter] units = units[:nfilter] # If only reading filters, skip the rest if not filters_only: # If requested to read only certain filters, figure out # which ones are in our list to read if read_filters is not None: fread = [] nf_final = 0 if hasattr(read_filters, '__iter__'): for f in filters: if f in read_filters: fread.append(True) nf_final = nf_final+1 else: fread.append(False) else: for f in filters: if f == read_filters: fread.append(True) nf_final = nf_final+1 else: fread.append(False) else: fread = [True] * len(filters) nf_final = len(filters) # Get trial, time trial = fp[1].data.field('Trial') time = fp[1].data.field('Time') # Get photometric data if read_nebular is not True and \ read_extinct is not True: phot = np.zeros((len(time), nf_final)) if nebular and \ read_nebular is not False and \ read_extinct is not True: phot_neb = np.zeros((len(time), nf_final)) if extinct and \ read_nebular is not True and \ read_extinct is not False: phot_ex = np.zeros((len(time), nf_final)) if nebular and extinct and \ read_nebular is not False and \ read_extinct is not False: phot_neb_ex = np.zeros((len(time), nf_final)) ptr = 0 for i in range(len(filters)): if fread[i]: if read_nebular is not True and \ read_extinct is not True: phot[:,ptr] = fp[1].data.field(filters[i]) if nebular and \ read_nebular is not False and \ read_extinct is not True: phot_neb[:,ptr] = fp[1].data.field(filters[i]+"_neb") if extinct and \ read_nebular is not True and \ read_extinct is not False: phot_ex[:,ptr] = fp[1].data.field(filters[i]+"_ex") if nebular and extinct and \ read_nebular is not False and \ read_extinct is not False: phot_neb_ex[:,ptr] \ = fp[1].data.field(filters[i]+"_neb_ex") ptr = ptr+1 # Close file fp.close() # If using only a subset of filters, truncate the filter list now if read_filters is not None: filters_tmp = [] units_tmp = [] for i in range(len(filters)): if fread[i]: filters_tmp.append(filters[i]) units_tmp.append(units[i]) filters = filters_tmp units = units_tmp nfilter = len(filters) # Reshape time and photometry arrays if not filters_only: ntrial = len(np.unique(trial)) ntime = len(time)//ntrial if ntime != len(time): if np.amin(time[:ntime] == time[ntime:2*ntime]): time = time[:ntime] if read_nebular is not True and \ read_extinct is not True: phot = np.transpose(np.reshape(phot, (ntrial, ntime, nfilter))) if nebular and \ read_nebular is not False and \ read_extinct is not True: phot_neb = np.transpose(np.reshape(phot_neb, (ntrial, ntime, nfilter))) if extinct and \ read_nebular is not True and \ read_extinct is not False: phot_ex = np.transpose(np.reshape(phot_ex, (ntrial, ntime, nfilter))) if nebular and extinct and \ read_nebular is not False and \ read_extinct is not False: phot_neb_ex = np.transpose( np.reshape(phot_neb_ex, (ntrial, ntime, nfilter))) # Read filter data if requested if not nofilterdata: if verbose: print("Reading filter data") wl_eff, wavelength, response, beta, wl_c = read_filter(filters) # Do photometric system conversion if requested if photsystem is not None and not filters_only: if verbose: print("Converting photometric system") if nofilterdata: units_save = deepcopy(units) if read_nebular is not True and \ read_extinct is not True: photometry_convert(photsystem, phot, units, filter_names=filters) units_out = deepcopy(units) units = deepcopy(units_save) if nebular and \ read_nebular is not False and \ read_extinct is not True: photometry_convert(photsystem, phot_neb, units_save, filter_names=filters) units_out = deepcopy(units) units = deepcopy(units_save) if extinct and \ read_nebular is not True and \ read_extinct is not False: photometry_convert(photsystem, phot_ex, units_save, filter_names=filters) units_out = deepcopy(units) units = deepcopy(units_save) if nebular and extinct and \ read_nebular is not False and \ read_extinct is not False: photometry_convert(photsystem, phot_neb_ex, units_save, filter_names=filters) units_out = deepcopy(units) units = deepcopy(units_save) units = units_out else: units_save = deepcopy(units) if read_nebular is not True and \ read_extinct is not True: photometry_convert(photsystem, phot, units, wl_eff, filter_names=filters) units_out = deepcopy(units) units = deepcopy(units_save) if nebular and \ read_nebular is not False and \ read_extinct is not True: photometry_convert(photsystem, phot_neb, units, wl_eff, filter_names=filters) units_out = deepcopy(units) units = deepcopy(units_save) if extinct and \ read_nebular is not True and \ read_extinct is not False: photometry_convert(photsystem, phot_ex, units, wl_eff, filter_names=filters) units_out = deepcopy(units) units = deepcopy(units_save) if nebular and extinct and \ read_nebular is not False and \ read_extinct is not False: photometry_convert(photsystem, phot_neb_ex, units, wl_eff, filter_names=filters) units = deepcopy(units_save) units_out = deepcopy(units) units = units_out # Construct return object if filters_only: fieldnames = ['filter_names', 'filter_units'] fields = [filters, units] else: fieldnames = ['time', 'filter_names', 'filter_units'] fields = [time, filters, units] if not nofilterdata: fieldnames = fieldnames + ['filter_wl_eff', 'filter_wl', 'filter_response', 'filter_beta', 'filter_wl_c'] fields = fields + [wl_eff, wavelength, response, beta, wl_c] if not filters_only and read_nebular is not True and \ read_extinct is not True: fieldnames = fieldnames + ['phot'] fields = fields + [phot] if nebular and not filters_only and \ read_nebular is not False and \ read_extinct is not True: fieldnames = fieldnames + ['phot_neb'] fields = fields + [phot_neb] if extinct and not filters_only and \ read_nebular is not True and \ read_extinct is not False: fieldnames = fieldnames + ['phot_ex'] fields = fields + [phot_ex] if nebular and extinct and not filters_only and \ read_nebular is not False and \ read_extinct is not False: fieldnames = fieldnames + ['phot_neb_ex'] fields = fields + [phot_neb_ex] out_type = namedtuple('integrated_phot', fieldnames) out = out_type(*fields) # Return return out