Source code for slugpy.cloudy.read_cluster_cloudyparams

Function to read a SLUG2 cluster_cloudyparams file.

import numpy as np
from collections import namedtuple
import struct
from ..slug_open import slug_open

[docs]def read_cluster_cloudyparams(model_name, output_dir=None, fmt=None, verbose=False, read_info=None): """ Function to read a SLUG2 cluster_cloudyparams file. Parameters model_name : string The name of the model to be read output_dir : string The directory where the output is located; if set to None, the current directory is searched, followed by the SLUG_DIR directory if that environment variable is set fmt : 'txt' | 'ascii' | 'bin' | 'binary' | 'fits' | 'fits2' Format for the file to be read. If one of these is set, the function will only attempt to open ASCII-('txt' or 'ascii'), binary ('bin' or 'binary'), or FITS ('fits' or 'fits2') formatted output, ending in .txt., .bin, or .fits, respectively. If set to None, the code will try to open ASCII files first, then if it fails try binary files, and if it fails again try FITS files. verbose : bool If True, verbose output is printed as code runs read_info : dict On return, this dict will contain the keys 'fname' and 'format', giving the name of the file read and the format it was in; 'format' will be one of 'ascii', 'binary', or 'fits' Returns A namedtuple containing the following fields: id : array, dtype uint unique ID of cluster trial: array, dtype uint which trial was this cluster part of time : array time at which cluster's properties are being evaluated cloudy_hden : array number density of H nuclei at the inner edge of the ionized region simulated by cloudy cloudy_r0 : array inner radius of the ionized region simulated by cloudy cloudy_r1 : array outer radius of the ionized region simulated by cloudy (approximate!) cloudy_QH0 : array ionizing luminosity used in the cloudy computation cloudy_covFac : array covering factor assumed in the cloudy computation; only a fraction covFac of the ionizing photons are assumed to produce emission within the HII region, while the remainder are assumed to escape cloudy_U : array volume-averaged ionization parameter of the HII region simulated by cloudy cloudy_U0 : array ionization parameter of the HII reegion at its inner edge cloudy_Omega : array Yeh & Matzner (2012) wind parameter for the HII region simulated by cloudy cloudy_zeta : array Krumholz & Matzner (2009) radiation pressure parameter for the HII region, again approximate; values of zeta >~1 indicate that radiation pressure is dynamically important The following fields may or may not be present, depending on what is found in the output file: cloudy_hden_out : array volume-averaged number density produced by the cloudy calculation cloudy_r1_out : array HII region outer radius produced by cloudy cloudy_Omega_out : array value of Omega computed using cloudy_r1_out cloudy_zeta_out : array value of zeta computed using cloudy_r1_out Notes The relationships between U, U0, Omega, r0, r1, hden, and QH0 used in deriving various parameters are valid only in the limit of negligible radiation pressure. They may be significantly off if radiation pressure is significant, i.e., if zeta >~ 1. """ # Open file fp, fname = slug_open(model_name+"_cluster_cloudyparams", output_dir=output_dir, fmt=fmt) # Print status if verbose: print("Reading cluster cloudy parameters for model "+model_name) if read_info is not None: read_info['fname'] = fname # Read data if fname.endswith('.txt'): # ASCII mode if read_info is not None: read_info['format'] = 'ascii' # Read the first header line and see what fields are present line = fp.readline() if 'Hden_out' in line: hden_out_set = True else: hden_out_set = False if 'R1_out' in line: r1_out_set = True else: r1_out_set = False if 'Omega_out' in line: Omega_out_set = True else: Omega_out_set = False if 'Zeta_out' in line: zeta_out_set = True else: zeta_out_set = False # Burn two header lines line = fp.readline() line = fp.readline() # Prepare data holders cluster_id = [] time = [] trial = [] hden = [] r0 = [] r1 = [] QH0 = [] covFac = [] U = [] U0 = [] Omega = [] zeta = [] if hden_out_set: hden_out = [] if r1_out_set: r1_out = [] if Omega_out_set: Omega_out = [] if zeta_out_set: zeta_out = [] # Read data trialptr = 0 for line in fp: if line[:3] == '---': trialptr = trialptr+1 continue linesplit = line.split() cluster_id.append(int(linesplit[0])) time.append(float(linesplit[1])) hden.append(float(linesplit[2])) r0.append(float(linesplit[3])) r1.append(float(linesplit[4])) QH0.append(float(linesplit[5])) covFac.append(float(linesplit[6])) U.append(float(linesplit[7])) U0.append(float(linesplit[8])) Omega.append(float(linesplit[9])) zeta.append(float(linesplit[10])) ptr = 11 if hden_out_set: hden_out.append(float(linesplit[ptr])) ptr += 1 if r1_out_set: r1_out.append(float(linesplit[ptr])) ptr += 1 if Omega_out_set: Omega_out.append(float(linesplit[ptr])) ptr += 1 if zeta_out_set: zeta_out.append(float(linesplit[ptr])) ptr += 1 trial.append(trialptr) # Convert to arrays cluster_id = np.array(cluster_id, dtype='uint') time = np.array(time, dtype='float') trial = np.array(trial, dtype='uint') hden = np.array(hden, dtype='float') r0 = np.array(r0, dtype='float') r1 = np.array(r1, dtype='float') QH0 = np.array(QH0, dtype='float') covFac = np.array(covFac, dtype='float') U = np.array(U, dtype='float') U0 = np.array(U0, dtype='float') Omega = np.array(Omega, dtype='float') if hden_out_set: hden_out = np.array(hden_out, dtype='float') if r1_out_set: r1_out = np.array(r1_out, dtype='float') if Omega_out_set: Omega_out = np.array(Omega_out, dtype='float') if zeta_out_set: zeta_out = np.array(zeta_out, dtype='float') elif fname.endswith('.bin'): # Binary mode if read_info is not None: read_info['format'] = 'binary' # Read leading bits to see which fields we have data ='bbbb')) field_bits = struct.unpack('bbbb', data) hden_out_set = field_bits[0] != 0 r1_out_set = field_bits[1] != 0 Omega_out_set = field_bits[2] != 0 zeta_out_set = field_bits[3] != 0 # Prepare storage datastr = 'ddddddddd' nfield = len(datastr) cluster_id = [] time = [] trial = [] hden = [] r0 = [] r1 = [] QH0 = [] covFac = [] U = [] U0 = [] Omega = [] zeta = [] if hden_out_set: hden_out = [] nfield += 1 datastr += 'd' if r1_out_set: r1_out = [] nfield += 1 datastr += 'd' if Omega_out_set: Omega_out = [] nfield += 1 datastr += 'd' if zeta_out_set: zeta_out = [] nfield += 1 datastr += 'd' # Go through file while True: # Read number of clusters and time in next block, checking # if we've hit eof data ='LdL')) if len(data) < struct.calcsize('LdL'): break trialptr, t, ncluster = struct.unpack('LdL', data) # Skip if no clusters if ncluster == 0: continue # Read the next block of clusters data =*ncluster)) data_list = struct.unpack(datastr*ncluster, data) # Pack clusters into data list cluster_id.extend(data_list[0::nfield]) time.extend([t]*ncluster) trial.extend([trialptr]*ncluster) hden.extend(data_list[0::nfield]) r0.extend(data_list[1::nfield]) r1.extend(data_list[2::nfield]) QH0.extend(data_list[3::nfield]) covFac.extend(data_list[4::nfield]) U.extend(data_list[5::nfield]) U0.extend(data_list[6::nfield]) Omega.extend(data_list[7::nfield]) zeta.extend(data_list[8::nfield]) ptr = 9 if hden_out_set: hden_out.extend(data_list[ptr::nfield]) ptr += 1 if r1_out_set: r1_out.extend(data_list[ptr::nfield]) ptr += 1 if Omega_out_set: Omega_out.extend(data_list[ptr::nfield]) ptr += 1 if zeta_out_set: zeta_out.extend(data_list[ptr::nfield]) ptr += 1 # Convert to arrays cluster_id = np.array(cluster_id, dtype='uint') time = np.array(time, dtype='float') trial = np.array(trial, dtype='uint') hden = np.array(hden, dtype='float') r0 = np.array(r0, dtype='float') r1 = np.array(r1, dtype='float') QH0 = np.array(QH0, dtype='float') covFac = np.array(covFac, dtype='float') U = np.array(U, dtype='float') U0 = np.array(U0, dtype='float') Omega = np.array(Omega, dtype='float') zeta = np.array(zeta, dtype='float') if hden_out_set: hden_out = np.array(hden_out, dtype='float') if r1_out_set: r1_out = np.array(r1_out, dtype='float') if Omega_out_set: Omega_out = np.array(Omega_out, dtype='float') if zeta_out_set: zeta_out = np.array(zeta_out, dtype='float') elif fname.endswith('.fits'): # FITS mode if read_info is not None: read_info['format'] = 'fits' # Read data cluster_id = fp[1].data.field('UniqueID') trial = fp[1].data.field('Trial') time = fp[1].data.field('Time') hden = fp[1].data.field('Hden') r0 = fp[1].data.field('R0') try: # Compatibility for some older outputs, which didn't write R1 r1 = fp[1].data.field('R1') except KeyError: r1 = None QH0 = fp[1].data.field('QH0') covFac = fp[1].data.field('covFac') U = fp[1].data.field('U') try: # Compatibility for some older outputs, which didn't write U0 U0 = fp[1].data.field('U0') except KeyError: U0 = None Omega = fp[1].data.field('Omega') try: # Compatibility for some older outputs, which didn't write U0 zeta = fp[1].data.field('zeta') except KeyError: zeta = None try: hden_out = fp[1].data.field('Hden_out') hden_out_set = True except KeyError: hden_out_set = False try: r1_out = fp[1].data.field('R1_out') r1_out_set = True except KeyError: r1_out_set = False try: Omega_out = fp[1].data.field('Omega_out') Omega_out_set = True except KeyError: Omega_out_set = False try: zeta_out = fp[1].data.field('zeta_out') zeta_out_set = True except KeyError: zeta_out_set = False # Close file fp.close() # Build namedtuple to hold output fields = ['id', 'trial', 'time', 'cloudy_hden', 'cloudy_r0', 'cloudy_r1', 'cloudy_QH0', 'cloudy_covFac', 'cloudy_U', 'cloudy_U0', 'cloudy_Omega', 'cloudy_zeta'] data = [cluster_id, trial, time, hden, r0, r1, QH0, covFac, U, U0, Omega, zeta] if hden_out_set: fields.append('cloudy_hden_out') data.append(hden_out) if r1_out_set: fields.append('cloudy_r1_out') data.append(r1_out) if Omega_out_set: fields.append('cloudy_Omega_out') data.append(Omega_out) if zeta_out_set: fields.append('cloudy_zeta_out') data.append(zeta_out) cloudyparams_type = namedtuple('cluster_cloudyparams', fields) out = cloudyparams_type(*data) # Return return out